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Source: Daxinya Date:2025-03-03 09:32:26


Promote Industrial Cooperation for Common Development


– Keynote Speech by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Eleventh Lanting Forum


28 April 2015



Governor Zhang Qingwei,

Excellencies, Members of the Diplomatic Corps,

Distinguished Guests,



Good morning!


Welcome to the eleventh Lanting Forum co-hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the People’s Government of Hebei Province. The forum is of special significance as it is the first time for the Foreign Ministry to join hands with a provincial government in hosting the Lanting forum.


We hope to achieve three goals with this forum: First, to provide a new platform for provinces and cities such as Hebei to expand exchanges and industrial cooperation with other countries, which reflects the top priority we place on promoting domestic development through diplomatic endeavors. Second, to share China’s overall thinking on international industrial cooperation to gain greater understanding and support from the international community. Third, to encourage companies, experts, scholars and people from various sectors to contribute thoughts and wisdom to China’s industrial cooperation with the rest of the world.




China has all along been an important participant in international industrial cooperation. From the moment China opened its door to the outside world more than three decades ago, we have worked hard to attract production capacity, capital and technology from developed countries and the four Asian Tigers, which greatly facilitated China’s economic take-off and the subsequent rapid growth over the years. Given our development level back then, we were at the lower end of the global industrial chain, and our overseas cooperation was mostly about “bringing in”, rather than “going out”.


More than thirty years’ development has brought tremendous changes to China and elevated it to a whole new level in global economic structure and industrial chain. We have become the world’s second largest economy, largest trader in goods, largest holder of foreign exchange reserves, third largest outbound investor and the largest trading partner for nearly 130 nations. As we continue to follow the policy of “bringing in”, we are in a much stronger position to move our competitive production capacity to the wider world.

此外,从全球视野看,目前世界经济仍未彻底摆脱金融危机的阴影,地区和南北发展不平衡问题日益突出,全球的资金、 产业、技术正迎来新一轮深刻调整。其中既有挑战,也蕴含着优势互补、合作共赢的新机遇。如何抓住机遇,加强合作,致力于促进各国尤其是广大发展中国家的发展振兴,是摆在我们面前的一项重要任务。中国愿意本着合作共赢的精神,进一步扩大对外开放,大力加强与世界各国的产能合作,使中国经济与世界经济在更大范围、更高层次上深度融合,实现中国同世界各国的共同繁荣与进步。

The world economy is still in the shadows of the financial crisis. The development gap among regions and between the North and South continues to widen and a new round of profound adjustment in capital, industry and technology is unfolding globally. This means both challenges and opportunities for us to draw on each other’s strengths and pursue win-win cooperation. How to seize the opportunity to increase cooperation and strive for development and revitalization of all countries, developing countries in particular, is an important task for us all. China is ready to, in the spirit of win-win cooperation, open up wider, step up industrial cooperation with other countries, and integrate the Chinese economy into the world economy on a larger scale and at a higher level so as to realize common prosperity and progress for China and its partners.

中国加强国际产能合作,是自身经济加快转型升级的必由之路。经过多年发展,中国已进入工业化的成熟期,拥有大量优势产业和富余产能。中国钢铁、水泥、汽车等220多种工业品产量居世界首位,机床产量占世界的38%,造船完工量占41%,发电设备产量占60%。这些产能不是淘汰产业或落后产能,而是有很强竞争力的优势产能。当前,中国正加快经济结构调整, 力争从为各国制造一般商品的世界工厂向为全球提供先进装备的生产基地转变。推动优质富裕产能走出去,有利于缓解国内市场相对饱和的状况,是中国经济提质增效的重要举措。而中国经济成功转型升级,将继续为世界经济提供强劲的增长动力,这对世界各国来说都将是个利好消息。

To strengthen industrial cooperation is a sure path for China to accelerate economic transformation. After years of development, China has entered a more mature stage of industrialization with competitive industries and surplus capacity. China is the world’s largest producer of over 220 categories of industrial products including steel, cement and automobiles. China produces 38% of the world’s machine tools, 41% of ships, and 60% of power generation equipment. These are highly competitive industries and production capacity, not outdated or backward. China is speeding up economic structural adjustment, moving from the world factory to a global production base for sophisticated equipment. The relocation of high quality production capacity overseas is an important step to relieve relatively saturated domestic market and improve quality and efficiency of the Chinese economy. The successful upgrading of the Chinese economy in turn will lend a stronger impetus to world economic growth. This is good news for all countries.

第二,中国加强国际产能合作,符合广大发展中国家的现实需求。当前,大批亚非拉的发展中国家仍处于经济起飞或工业化初期阶段,对外来资金、设备、技术有着巨大而且迫切的需求。与其他国家相比,中国的富裕产能具有独特的优势,比如设备先进实用、技术成熟可靠、性价比有较高竞争力、不附加其他额外条件等等。此外,中国资本和外汇储备充足,未来5年对外投资将超过6500亿美元,这将为中国产能“走出去”提供坚实的资金后盾和保障。基于这些原因,中国的富裕产能得到了很多发展中国家的青睐和欢迎,开展合作的空间和潜力非常可观。我在这里举个例子,去年12月,李克强总理访问哈萨克斯坦期间提出两国可以加强产能合作的建议,与哈方的发展战略及国内需求完全吻合,短短几个月后,双方就在28个领域签署了总额达236亿美元的合作协议。今年初, 我出访非洲五国时,深感非洲各国要求加快工业化进程,实现多元化发展的迫切愿望。当中方提出中国愿与非洲开展产能合作时,非方普遍给予了积极回应和热烈欢迎,不少国家都希望成为中国产能对外转移的优先承接地。

Second, strengthening international industrial cooperation serves the needs of developing countries. Many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America are in the early stages of economic take-off or industrialization and urgently need large amounts of external capital, equipment and technologies. Compared with other countries, China enjoys unique advantages in production capacity, such as advanced and operable equipment, mature and reliable technologies, cost-effectiveness and no strings attached. In addition, China has abundant capital and foreign exchange reserves and will make overseas investment of over US$650 billion in the next five years, which will provide strong financial support for China’s industrial go-global effort. Given these factors, many developing countries are looking to have cooperation with China in production capacity and there is considerable space and potential for such cooperation. Let me give you an example. During his visit to Kazakhstan last December, Premier Li Keqiang put forward the proposal for industrial cooperation with Kazakhstan, which fits well with its development strategy and needs. In just several months, the two sides signed cooperation agreements in 28 areas with a total worth of US$23.6 billion. During my visit to five African countries early this year, I have keenly felt for myself the keen desire of African countries to speed up industrialization and achieve diversified development. Therefore, China’s initiative for industrial cooperation with Africa has been greeted by active response and warm welcome from the African side. Many countries expressed the hope to be one of the first to benefit from production capacity to be relocated from China.


Third, strengthening international industrial cooperation is an important part of building the new-type international relations featuring win-win cooperation. In contrast to cold-war confrontation and zero-sum game practiced by certain major countries, China has been committed to a win-win strategy of opening-up and pursues win-win cooperation in political, economic, security, cultural and every other aspect of international cooperation. President Xi Jinping advocated the building of new-type international relations featuring win-win cooperation. It is not acceptable to have a few countries get richer while most others suffer from prolonged poverty and backwardness. While pursuing their own development, countries need to actively promote common development with other countries.

开展国际产能合作,有助于推动实现资源自由流动、市场贯通融合、成果广泛共享,是改变当前世界经济发展不平衡、 资源配置不公平现状的有效途径。作为最大的发展中国家,中国有责任、有意愿也有能力为其他发展中国家加快发展提供助力,愿通过国际产能合作,为其他发展中国家带去新的投资机会,帮助他们完善基础设施建设,实现技术转让,创造更多就业,提升国家的自主发展能力,使发展中囯家和人民真正获得发展机遇和切实利益。中方也愿通过国际产能合作,同世界各囯实现优势互补,推动世界经济朝着更加开放、平衡、合理、 普惠的方向发展,构筑你中有我、我中有你、深度交融的命运共同体和利益共同体。

International industrial cooperation will help promote the free flow of resources, market integration and extensive sharing of the progress of development. It is an effective way to change the status quo of unbalanced development and unfair resource allocation in the world. As the largest developing country, China has the obligation, commitment and capabilities to provide impetus for the development of other developing countries. It is ready to take new investment opportunities to other developing countries through international industrial cooperation, help them improve infrastructure, obtain technological transfer, create more jobs and upgrade their capacity for independent development. This will help create development opportunities and tangible benefits to other developing countries and their peoples. China is also ready to work with other countries to achieve complementarity of advantages through industrial cooperation, and together make world economic governance more open, balanced, reasonable and inclusive and build a community of shared destiny and common interests among all.




In strengthening international industrial cooperation, China will abide by the following principles:


First, a balanced approach to interests and principles. In our cooperation with other developing countries, we will stick to the balanced approach to interests and principles proposed by President Xi Jinping. We will try our best to accommodate their practical difficulties, and give them necessary financing and other support. We also ask Chinese companies to strictly abide by the law in doing business and fulfill their social responsibilities as they invest abroad, never pursue development at the cost of the long-term interests and the environment of their host countries, and never repeat the rapacious colonial way of “taking without giving”.


Second, win-win cooperation. In our external cooperation, we don’t seek to have all benefits to ourselves. Rather, we will, on the basis of voluntarism, equality and mutual benefit, take into account the practical needs of the other parties, align the development strategies of both sides and promote industrial cooperation in a pragmatic and effective way. Our aim is to maximize win-win results. As for less developed countries, we will, in light of their conditions and development potential, help them turn their advantages in natural resources and labor into real drivers for independent development.


Third, openness and inclusiveness. China offers fully transparent and open cooperation, and will not engage in vicious competition that excludes third parties. While our current partners in industrial cooperation are mostly developing countries, we also welcome other countries including developed countries to join us in helping developing countries achieve rejuvenation. We are ready to explore industrial cooperation with developed countries on a higher level.


Fourth, market-based operation. We respect the status of companies as the main players and let the market play the decisive role in allocating resources. We will act in strict accordance with market principles, follow accepted international practices and support companies in independent decision-making and sole responsibility for their own profits and losses. On the other hand, the government will fully play its part in guidance, coordination, management and service. We will further improve the institutions and mechanisms, laws and policies, and financial services to encourage and support Chinese companies in going global.



开展国际产能合作是一项系统工程,对内对外都需要各方的协同努力。外交部将继续履行职责,积极推动发展同各国友好关系,继续为中国对外合作打造一个良好、友善的外部环境。与此同时,我们将积极支持配合国家发展改革委员会、商务部等政府职能部门,进一步完善和健全顶层设计和战略规划,为鼓励和支持中国企业“走出去”提供强有力的体制机制保障、 政策支持和金融服务。我们将努力为有实力,有信誉的企业牵线搭台、加强引导、提供服务,做好信息支持以及领事保护等相关工作,维护好企业在海外的合法和正当权益。

International industrial cooperation is a systemic project that needs coordination among all parties at home and abroad. The Foreign Ministry will continue to fulfill its responsibility in developing friendly relations with other countries and foster a sound and amicable external environment for China’s cooperation with other countries. At the same time, we will actively support and work with the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Commerce and other competent departments to further improve the top-level design and strategic planning, so as to provide more effective institutional safeguards, policies and financial services to encourage and support Chinese companies in going global. We will work hard to build connections for competitive and credible companies and offer them sound guidance and services. These include better information support and consular protection to uphold their lawful and legitimate rights and interests abroad.

河北是中国传统工业大省,具有突出的产业优势,在钢铁、水泥、玻璃、光伏等领域拥有充裕的优势产能、先进的技术和成熟的管理经验。随着“一带一路”建设的全面铺开、中非合作建设非洲“三网一化”的付诸实施,河北优势产业走向世界迎来了难得的机遇。我相信,通过本次蓝厅论坛并以此为开端, 河北一定能够抓住机遇,充分发挥自身优势,在对外产能合作的大潮中奋勇争先,不断取得新的进展和成果。

Hebei Province has long been strong in industries, boasting abundant capacity, advanced technologies and sophisticated managerial expertise in iron and steel, cement, glass, photovoltaic and other areas. As the Belt and Road Initiative advances across the board and as China and Africa jointly implement the “three networks and industrialization” program in Africa, the competitive industries in Hebei face a valuable opportunity to go global. I am sure this session of the Lanting Forum offers a good beginning. Hebei will seize the opportunity, fully leverage its advantages, and make continuous progress as a pioneer in external industrial cooperation.


Thank you!





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